It’s our penultimate celebration of your National Woodworking Month projects! Stay tuned next week when we see your final set of projects!
I read Dan Cary’s story of building a custom dining room table. I especially enjoyed that his build was custom to a specific place and function.
I too had a special need. At our lake house the area for a table is limited. Plus at the lake everyone wants to eat with a view so no one wants their back to the water if you are inside. My special need was a dining table that was very narrow and long. The sliding glass door is a 9′ door with only 3′ sliding to go outside so I wanted a table only 24″ by 72″. This way I could put the the table against the windows and only sit on one side.
Basically the table only cost me $15 to make. I had to buy a quart of gloss polyurethane for the top. Polyurethane is something very hard that would resist water rings and food. Everything else was scraps I had from other projects that I cut down and glued up. Walnut, hickory, cherry, oak, purple heart and Brazilian cherry are the woods in the top outlined with 6/4 oak and breadboard ends. It fits us and the space perfectly.
The true advantage of woodworking is the ability to customize. Woodworkers can be ingenious without plans and only armed with an idea to solve a problem.
Ron Grover
This is my latest Kumiko project that I just finished.
-Russ Franken
Here is my latest Adirondack bench.
-Gary Mast
Here is a a King size bed I finished this past year. It was a gift to my wife of 39 years, Becky.
It was quite a project to complete. At times I thought I had bitten off more than I could chew, but with faith and patience, (both hers and mine,) it turned out fine. Thank you for letting me share and giving all of the woodworking community a chance to do so.
-Michael Yeary
This is my latest project. My wife requested a jewelry box. I asked her to draw a rough sketch of what she had in mind. Well, what she had in mind was a full jewelry CABINET. I selected air dried hickory from a tree that was removed from our small farmette property. The learning points for this project were building the T&G beadboard panels for the side cabinets and using dye to color just the sapwood variations in the hickory. The customer was pleased and pointed out the fact that she now had much more room for NEW jewelry!
Be well and be safe,
-Gregory Harmon
Here is what I did for part of the last two winters. This is not a kit or a CNC made project. It is all hand made from cut offs of 1 by and 2 by from other woodshop projects. Yes, just fire wood junk. It is my idea of a 1920s-style rail road station with second story meeting room . Everything is made to 1″ to 1′ scale. All of the studs, tables and benches So, the doors are 3″ wide by 6-3/4″ high. The size is 48″ long x 32″ wide x 37″ tall. The square end is the freight room, the multi-sided room is a coffee shop and the tall part is a three sided clock tower. The clock faces are 11 min. after 9 (911) , 7 min. after 11 (Nov. 7, 1941) and the other is my birthday 22 min after 7. All important dates to me.
– Lowell Taylor
Cedaredge, CO
I repurposed a solar LED light array by housing it in a butternut box with a copper clad roof. After scroll sawing my house number and some nice flower designs into the front, I painted the inside of the box white to reflect the light, I filled the voids with epoxy, and then joined the sides together with finger joints. The bottom is just set in a groove, the top has some holes that align with dowel pins that sit proud of the top of the box for a snug fit. I made a cedar beveled strip for the back to match the slope of my steel lap siding on my house, and flush mounted 5 strong rare-earth magnets into that strip. Then I coated the box with a thin coat of pour-on epoxy inside and out because there’s just no easy way to make the box water tight. I set the light to dusk to dawn setting and set it into place with some persuasion from a dead blow mallet. It can be removed if I ever need to replace the 18650 batteries in it…I have several hundred salvaged from old laptop battery packs.
Thanks to the steel siding and magnetic mount, I can put the sign anywhere I want on the house (while sitting inside with no cell reception because I live in a Faraday cage).
It has really helped out the Door Dashers and Uber Eats drivers to find my house though.
-Michael Swenson
My brother-in-law was watching a Jonathan Katz-Moses video on the construction of a 3-D cutting board. Intrigued by the pattern, she set to work, eventually turning the pattern into a quilt that she gifted us. We (my wife and I) reciprocated by making the cutting board as a gift for her.
-Ralph Lombardo
This is from a downed tree on my friends property. He also has me making tuna plugs for him out of the same tree!
Never thought I would be turning tuna lures!
-Wayne Greygor
Made from recycled cherry from an elevator for my grand daughter. Used nothing but five coats of General Finish’s semi gloss. Totally natural.
-Andy Borland
Severna Park, MD
Here’s my recently completed wood top fretless banjo it was one of my covid projects.
Made from scratch with a poplar rim, cedar bookmatched top, and a tiger maple neck and fretboard. Wanted a quieter banjo for practice and this works and sounds great!
-Paul Waters
This is a 9″, 11 course vase turned from canary wood.
-Donn Davy
Thank you again for these great projects! Join us again next week!